I just bought a Westsail 32with a Beta 38 4C1478 which ran well for the sea trial and subsequently. It has only 30 hrs use. However the engine/transmission control mount fell apart at the first attempted use. I just finished fabricating a new mount and it works well. Meanwhile I also had to replace house batteries.
In the process of all this work I had to lay upon the top of the engine several times. I used a pad but heard some crunching at times. I also had to disconnect the cable to the instruments. All was reconnected and the engine started well but idled at 1800 rpm and stayed there. The engine/transmission control worked fine. Could I have disrupted something on the top of the engine, and what might I check/fix.
On another subject, the manual I received is a poor photocopy. Can I get an original or at least a good copy. Also could I get a complete service manual. I am an aviation mechanic and am learning to do maintenance and repair on marine diesels.
I suggest that when you disconnect the throttle cable from the engine that you will find that it does indeed idle at the correct speed.
Then you will have to work out where you went wrong with the with the control.
You can download the operators maintenance manual from this page of the factory website betamarine.co.uk/portfolio-item/beta-38/ You will find it under the literature and manuals tab.
We can provide workshop manuals . Please contact us directly at the office for this.
Thanks Stanley. I did find the problem. The cable housing came out of its holder. In the process of removing and installing the control two of the mounting tabs broke. That combined with some stripped splines puts me in the market for a new controller. I see one on your website. Is that the best. Someone mentioned another brand- name slips my mind.
The one that we supply is made by Teleflex. It is an excellent piece of equipment and there are many others available as well.
If you want one of ours, please email me directly.